Join us online on June 7, 14.30 EAT 

To register for the event, click here*. 

*Interpretation in French will be available during the event*

Civic technology (also called civic tech) enhances the relationship between people and governments with software for communications, decision-making, service delivery, and political processes.  The Charter Project Africa recognises civic tech as the digital tools that make it easier for citizens to organise and mobilise on matters of governance and to engage with decision-makers. 

Our overall objectives include: 

  • Supporting civic tech as an amplifier of citizens’ voices and a tool to improve their participation to the governance discussion;
  • Empowering civil society to work with the African Union’s African Governance Architecture (AGA) and promote democratic governance in AU member states; 
  • Strengthening the ability of civic initiatives to use knowledge, data and technology in their effort to monitor and promote the implementation of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG)
  • Increasing collaboration between AU policymakers, national decision-makers and civil society organisations on matters of democratic governance.

On 30 November 2021 we launched the CivicTech Fund Africa, a mechanism designed to amplify the work of young African innovators who seek to use technology as a way of enhancing public participation and democratic processes at the local and continental levels. We will achieve this by providing seed grants, technology and data support to the successful innovators.

We are therefore delighted to invite you to the unveiling of the first  4 successful teams selected under the grant “Civic Tech and the African Governance Architecture (AGA)”. 

The organisations will be empowered to use civic technology to strengthen citizens’ as well as civil society's engagement with national and continental decision-makers. During the event they will present their civic tech solution and how they intend to use it for a better participation of the African people to the local and continental decision making processes. 


Moderator: Andrew Songa, Charter Project Africa Civil Society Secretariat Coordinator


14.30 Introduction by moderator Andrew Songa, Charter Project Africa Civil Society Secretariat Coordinator;

14.33 Welcome remarks from Alban Biaussat, Senior Policy & Programme Manager for the European Union Delegation to the African Union;

14.38 Welcome remarks from a representative of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) (TBC);

14.43 Remarks from a representative of the AU’s African Governance Architecture-African Peace and Security Architecture (AGA-APSA) (TBC);

14.48 Presentation by the 4 successful organisations and Q&A:

15:28 Concluding remarks from moderator & next steps (2 minutes).

Join us to learn more on how civic tech can empower citizens’ voices!

Register here

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